Visuals for exceptional properties
Our expertise
Nos services haut de gamme et notre expertise des dernières technologies en matière de marketing immobilier font de nous les leaders du secteur sur la Côte d’Azur et à Monaco.
All of our services have been designed to meet the specific needs of potential buyers and allow them to better understand the proposed property.
Our achievements
Exceptional real estate
Reflect the status of the property
Why work with us?
They have confidence in us
satisfied customers
At Laming, exceeding our partners' expectations is the norm.
In a few clicks
Course of your service
Online booking
With our booking module, you can quickly book your real estate service. In a few clicks, indicate the time and place of the property and book your real estate photo session.
On the day and at the agreed time, one of our experts in photography and video will realize the report of your property.
Editing is an important step to obtain quality visuals. Indeed, it is at this moment that we will be able to improve the rendering of the images. For this, we use the best professional software available on the market.
Delivery within 24 hours
From the next day, your real estate ad can be online with the photographs. In less than 24 hours, you will be able to upload your real estate photos in HD.